Thursday, May 26, 2016

You're Gold

Hey guys! Me again. I had this thought in the middle of the night whilst listing to a song called Gold. I was listening to the lyrics and was thinking about what they meant to me. How they applied to me and I came up with this so I hope you take something out of this. (Also i'm listing to the song while writing this. You might say I'm addicted) 

Lyrics to : Gold 

There's something there and it's showing
There's no need to look around
You're the best we got going

Shout out to the dreams you'll chase
Shout out to the hearts you'll break
Nothing's gonna stop you now
I guess you better be going

You'll never be far, I'm keeping you near
Inside of my heart, you're here
Go on, it's gotta be time
You're starting to shine

'Cause what you got is
Gold, I know, you're gold
Oh, I know, I know
I don't need the stars in the night, I found my treasure
All I need is you by my side, so shine forever
Gold, I know, you're gold
Oh, I know, you're gold

It won't take you long to get when you feel like you're soaring
So write it all and don't forget, you gotta tell us your story

Shout out to the friends back home
Shout out to the hearts you've known
You gave them nothing but the best, yeah
And you can tell them your story

You'll never be far, I'm keeping you near
Inside of my heart, you're here
Go on, it's gotta be time
You're starting to shine

'Cause what you got is
Gold, I know, you're gold
Oh, I know, I know
I don't need the stars in the night, I found my treasure
All I need is you by my side, so shine forever
Gold, I know, you're gold
Oh, I know, you're gold

'Cause what you got is
Gold, I know, you're gold
Oh, I know, I know
I don't need the stars in the night, I found my treasure
All I need is you by my side, so shine forever
Gold, I know, you're gold
Oh, I know, you're gold

You're gold
You're gold!

Y'all all know how most Christian songs are either supposed to be us speaking to God or God speaking to us? I think this song is supposed to be God speaking to us. It's telling us that God thinks we are Gold. That we are worth so 

much to Him. I've know a few people who self-harmed, were suicidal or depressed. Most of those people did that or were that way because they felt like they weren't enough for themselves, their family or God. This song is telling us that we are Gods treasure, we are special to Him, and that we are so much more important than any of His other creations.  We are brighter than the stars! It also says that we need to tell our story. That means we are meant to tell our story to others. Wether the story be happy or sad! Tell people what God has done in your life or what He is doing!  Another line says "You'll never be far I'm keeping you near" I think that means Gods not going to leave us to face the trials of the world alone. He's going to help us and keep us even when we feel alone! 

So, that's my midnight thought! I hope you took something out of that. If not just enjoy the song! Have a blessed day! 

Link to Gold

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hello Friends! 

We don't often realize how important friends can be to us. When I was younger (6-11ish) I made a friend everywhere I went. When I got into middle school I felt very alone after what I thought was a good friend totally abandoned me. My  interests were VERY different than that of my peers. No one wanted to be friends with me. So I thought "I don't need friends. I can be alone and its ok." Boy was I wrong. Friends, godly friends, are SO important! We were not meant to be alone. I had this realization about three years ago when, one I joined and online community of godly girls that built me up and loved me. Second was a song by "Brandon Heath". One of the lyrics was "It's no good to be alone". That really hit me hard. I still struggle with making friends and putting trust in people. I would say I don't have a friend that I absolute trust completely with every thing but I'm getting there with Gods help. Just know this, friends are super important and we were made for godly community! Have a blessed day! 

Link to song I mentioned

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Living Fearlessly

Each and every one of us have something we fear. Sometimes those fears can be somewhat silly to others. My sister has an insane fear of bugs, spiders, and crawling things. Since we both have our rooms in the basement, guess who gets to kill all those bugs, spiders, and crawling things? Yep, me. I don’t mind, because I’m not scared of them. But to my sister, those things are creepy. Now that may seem like a sillier one and not very important. But think of one of your deep fears. One that is almost always on your mind. One that controls what you say and when you say it. One that regulates how much you confide in people. A fear that doesn’t just scare you, but a fear that controls you. That’s the type of fear I’m going to be talking about.

I have several fears like that. All of them are fears that I have trouble talking about, and that are very personal to me. But the one I’m going to share is a fear I feel a lot of people have – whether they want to admit it or not. It’s the fear of what people will think of you. For the longest time, I really didn’t think I had this because I could leave my house with greasy hair and sloppy clothes and not care a single bit about what others would think. But I still had that fear – just not necessarily about looks.

I’m currently the stage manager of a play “Alice in Wonderland”. It’s an amazing musical with incredible actors and actresses and I’ve made several new friends. These past few months, as we’ve been rehearsing over and over for this play, God has shown me just how much the fear of people’s opinions has an active role in my life. I’m a person who wants to avoid conflict to the point of just ignoring it. But in my role as stage manager, I have to tell people to be quiet and to sit down and to listen and I can’t use my sweet voice. Am I being mean? No. I’m making sure they understand what is expected of them by using my authoritative voice. But for some reason, I can’t use it when I need it most.

This play is not a production put on by a theater that has Christian values. As a majority, the actors in this play are not Christian. Several of the people I hang out with are Christians are very sweet. But for the most part, the others are very crude and cuss non stop.When I was younger, people in were very cautious about what they said or did around me. At seventeen years old, people don’t care anymore. In fact, I’ve seen the older actors become so liberal with their speech that they honestly don’t even care if a seven year old is in the room. 

During a dress rehearsal several weeks ago, I went backstage in time to hear two girls laughing about how hot they had gotten in their costumes and using the Lord’s name in vain. My spirit was crushed and I wanted so badly to step in and tell them to stop doing that because it hurt me. More importantly, it hurt God. But I just stood there. I didn’t move. I didn’t say a word. I just listened to them mock God’s name and throw it in the dirt. And I didn’t say anything. 

I got home that night and I fell in bed sobbing. I knew I should have done something and I knew that even though I hadn’t used God’s name in vain, I was still sinning for not standing up for Him. I had let two twelve year old girls unknowingly use my fear to control me. I was too afraid of what they would think of me. I really liked them, and I wanted to continue being a friend to them both, but because of my desire to make myself appear likable, I allowed my fear of what they would think to mute my voice and paralyze my body.

I repented that night and begged God to give me the courage to stand up for Him. And not only to defend His name, but to use my position of power to silence those who were cussing, talking dirty, and flirting dirty with others. I went to bed refreshed and forgiven.

But several nights later, I was sitting backstage with three older actors and actresses and one of the young men (I’ll call him David) started giving me very flirtatious looks. I ignored him, because he intimidated me and I really didn’t want to get into an argument. But then he started talking dirty and adding cuss words and exclaiming “Oh my God” and “Jesus Christ” over and over and over. And what did I do? I sat in my chair, continued drinking out of my water bottle, and I just took it. I didn’t say a word, I didn’t move. Because I was afraid of what he would think of me if I stood up and defended my Savior. Yes, David was bigger than me. Yes, he was more powerful. Yes, he probably wouldn’t have listened to me. But he was trashing God’s name and adding so many dirty phrases to his language that I almost threw up. The God of the universe who created me and died for me was being mocked by a teenage boy. But I didn’t say anything.

Again, I went home absolutely exhausted and crushed. My spirit was willing but my flesh was weak. I had let the fear of people’s opinions control me and it was killing me. And I couldn’t figure out how to stop it. Because in my bedroom, in the safety and comfort of my bed, I was ready to take on the world. But when I stepped outside my door, I let go of God and allowed fear to replace my courage.

The day after that happened was opening night. The play went fairly smoothly and I had already told myself that I needed to pull David aside and tell him that I was very uncomfortable with how he was treating me and how he was disrespecting God. But I didn’t do it at the play. Once again, my fear started to control me. 

After the opening night of a play, our theater always goes to a restaurant to celebrate. I ended up at the same booth as David. It was only a matter of seconds before he started saying “Oh my God” and cussing his heart out. What bugged me the most, was that he didn’t seem bothered at all. And neither did anyone else at our table. I prayed to God that for a split second He would give me the courage I needed to stand up to David. And for a split second, God gave it to me.

David said “Oh my God” to someone and there was a split second of silence so I broke in. I didn’t even ask David to stop saying it, I told him to. I told him to stop cussing and to stop using God’s name in vain because I was very uncomfortable with it. I asked him to respect that.

Immediately after, he laughed and started cussing over and over and over just to annoy me. People at our table started looking as uncomfortable as I felt. My sister happened to be sitting right next to him and she slapped him. Funny thing, he shut up. He got pretty upset and left for a while, but I felt so much better after saying that. I hadn’t let my fear control me when I asked God to help me. All those other times, I just stood there and took it in and said nothing because I was trying to rely on myself. And that’s really what fear is. 

Fear takes the place of God and whispers the lie “You can do it. You don’t need anyone. You can do it. You have your own strength.” And that’s not true. You don’t. You’re weak. You’re helpless. You may have a very willing spirit, but your flesh is very strong in human nature and it can silence you. David still cusses, but after he came back to the table that night, he was quieter and he clearly tried to control his words. He joked around with me a bit, but I could tell he wasn’t very fond of me anymore.

For a couple seconds, I started questioning whether I should have said it…but then God helped me see that that was fear again. I can’t say that I’m fine with him not enjoying my company. I want people to like me. But I will say that I am very fine with being right with the Lord. I have no doubt that I will have many more moments in this play trying to silence others but being silenced myself. Fear isn’t something that goes away overnight. But if you let go of your fear and ask God to help you live fearlessly, He will. Even if it’s just for a few seconds. A few seconds can change someone. A few seconds can show you how amazing living fearlessly is. A few seconds can reveal that living fearlessly is actually letting go and letting God.

Too many times throughout our day we forget just how awesome our God is. He created the universe. He knows every single name of every single star in the sky. He knows when each tornado or tsunami or earthquake is going to happen and He knows how much damage it will cause. He knows everything about us! He has every single hair on our heads numbered. He knows what we’re going to think before we ever do. He knows how we’re going to impact people, either for Him or against Him. He knows how many times a day we’re going to fail Him and He knows how many times a day He’s going to forgive us.

Ladies, remember that God knows. God is bigger than any single one of us can imagine. Just to put it a little into perspective, have any of you ever created a star in the universe? Just curious. Yeah, I didn’t think so. Do any of you guys know your thoughts before you think them? I know I don’t. So if God is that big and that powerful, why are we still afraid? Why do we still allow fear to control our lives and our tongues and our actions? Why is it so easy to trust everyone and everything but God? Because it’s a fallen world. No one is going to be perfect. We’re all going to hurt someone and we’re all going to be hurt. We’re all going to be consumed by fear at one point or another but we can all still live fearlessly. So tonight I encourage you to think about your fears. Write them down and then ask God to help you overcome them. Because if you don’t address them and you don’t take them to God, He can’t help you. And keep in mind that you can’t do it by yourself. You don’t have the strength to. Only God does. So instead of trying to live fearlessly, trust God and live for Him. The fearless part is going to come with trusting and living for our awesome Savior.


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Knowing the Song of the King

   Today we are having a guest post!  Gabrielle A. wrote this piece about a favorite childhood book, one that I have read and enjoyed myself!  I hope this convicts you to listen to and study God's Word, keeping it in your heart so you will be protected from the arrows of the evil one.


 Knowing the Song of the King

Psalm 119:11
"I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."

2 Corinthians 11:12-15

  "And I will keep on doing what I am doing in order to cut the ground from under those who want an opportunity to be considered equal with us in the things they boast about.  For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, masquerading as apostles of Christ.  And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.  It is not surprising, then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."


John 14:25-26

  “All this I have spoken while still with you.  But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you."


     As a little girl, I had a favorite book that I never grew tired of.

     It is worn and tired, but the story sticks with me.  It is With You all the Way by Max Lucado about three knights, evil woods, a prince, a King, and a beautiful prize. 

     In order to receive the prize, the knights had to pass a test.  The test was to go through dark and evil woods to reach the castle of the King, where the first person to arrive would receive the hand of the princess.  The woods were filled with evil creatures that lived among trees so think there was not a ray of sunlight to be found.  These creatures were clever, deceitful, and dangerous.  Each knight was fearful as they thought of having to go through the dark forest.  This was much worse the Anne Shirley's "Haunted Wood!"  The prince informed the knights of this, and proceed to play a song, the song of his father the King.  There were only two flutes that could play this song—one belonging to the prince and the other to the King.  The King would be playing this song three times a day until the first knight arrived to the castle.  If the knights could listen and follow the song through the forest, they would safely reach the castle. 

     The knights were given a partner of their choice.  One knight was known for his strength, the second for his speed, and the third for his alertness.  The third saw things others missed.  In the end, two people stumbled out of the forest as the people of the kingdom tried to guess which knight won.  Was it the strong knight?  Or perhaps it was the fast one...

     It was neither.  It was the alert one.  The King asked the winning knight of his journey.  The wise young knight spoke of the evil creatures of the forest, each of which played a song similar to the King's song, but slightly different.  They imitated the King's song, playing every time the true song entered the forest.  A hundred songs from every direction made it nearly impossible to hear the King's song.  The other two knights could not hear the song.  Strength and speed does not enhance hearing. 

     When asked how on earth he made it through the forest, the knight replied, "I chose the right companion."  He gestured for his companion to enter, and much to the surprise of the people, the prince entered.  To the King, the knight said, "I knew there was only one how could play the song exactly like you.  There was no one else I would have trusted to be with me all the way.  So I asked him to travel with me.  As we journeyed, he played your song.  I learned it so well that though a thousand flutes tried to hide your music, I could hear you son above all.  It was with me all the way."

     We are like the knights traveling through a dark and evil forest to reach the kingdom of heaven where the King holds our reward.  We must learn the "song" God plays.  We must study it.  Memorize it.  Hide it in our hearts.  Then we can make it through the forest safely.  Our companion, the Holy Spirit God gave us, is with us all the way.   He helps us fight and find our way into the kingdom of heaven.  He is truly with us all the way.  He is the only one who knows the song of the King.  The forces of evil try to imitate the Word of God, but in the end, only one truly knows it, and He teaches it to us.  Granted, we have mentors and Godly role models, but this is why we need to test everything to see if it is of the right spirit, His Spirit.  Then we can avoid the imitating deceitfulness.  He is truly with us all the way.  So let your heart be of good courage!  He never fails!

     --Gabrielle A.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Hey, it's Karina :) This is my first addition to the blog, soo... yeah. Anyways, this was a devotional I wrote for a school assignment, and I based it off of an experience I had a couple weeks ago... Enjoy!
Nahum 1:3a “The LORD is slow to anger and great in power"
Jill sat in Bible Study listening to her teacher, Ms. Jefferson, teach about the Fruit of the Spirit.  Ms. Jefferson finished her lesson and told the kids to come up and write one Fruit they struggled with on the board.  When it was Jill’s turn, she paused for a moment.  ‘What do I struggle with?’ she mused.  Suddenly, she remembered something that had happened to her earlier – she had lost her patience!

“Can you just listen for ONE time?!?” Jill asked her horse, Chance.  Obviously, Chance couldn’t answer her, but Jill was frustrated.  Chance had been a pain for her whole ride, and Jill was about ready to quit, even though she knew she had to make Chance canter left at least once, otherwise he would have ‘won’.

Jill hastily wrote ‘PATIENCE’ on the board and returned to her seat.  After a few minutes, everybody in the class had taken their turns writing on the board and Ms. Jefferson faced the class again.  “Now, I noticed that there is a wide variety of struggles up here, but patience seems to be very common.  Your challenge this week is to PRAY for God to help you with whichever Fruit is the hardest for you.  Pray every time you feel like you’re giving in, and He will help you,” she told the class.  Jill nodded her head slightly and told herself ‘I will remember this challenge. From now on, when Chance is difficult, I’ll pray for God’s help controlling my impatience and He will help me.’

What about you?  Whether or not you struggle with having patience, everybody has trouble with at least one of God’s Fruits.  Your challenge may be loving others.  It may be having joy.  Whatever it is, pray for God’s guiding hand to show you the way through any situation when the Fruit you’re struggling with is getting the upper hand.  The Lord will help you!


Saturday, January 9, 2016

Operation Auca

"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." --Jim Elliot

Nate Saint.JPG

     This is one of the most amazing quotes.  It isn't because it was perfectly worded.  Nor is it because of any charm, or style of the wording.  The reason that the quote is so inspiring to many is because the writer believed it.  He based his life on it.  And he lost his life because of it.

     On January 8th, 1956, five faithful missionaries gave their lives up for God's glory.  Yesterday marked the 60th anniversary of their sacrifices.  Five ordinary men did extraordinary things for Jesus.  Jim Elliot, Nate Saint, Ed McCully, Peter Fleming, and Roger Youderian.  They gave their lives up for Him.  They loved the savage, Ecuadorian Indians enough to relinquish holds of their futures.

     The five men with their wives had decided that there was no better mission field than the hardest one for missionaries to reach--the Auca Indians of Ecuador.  They were known to kill foreigners.  They even killed each other.  They were bloodthirsty, lost souls.  Five families left their comfortable, American homes to follow God's leading.  In the end, all of the husbands were speared to death, and five widows were left to care for their numerous children.  The men had weapons; they could have defended themselves.  But they knew that their souls would go to heaven.  Those who killed them were not saved.  They didn't know the Truth.   Thus, they laid down their weapons and loved their enemies.

   The story didn't stop there.  God used Rachel Saint (the sister of Nate Saint), a native Auca Indian named Dayuma, and many others to open a door into the savages' hearts.  They learned about Jesus.  They realized the love that the missionaries had shown them.  And one Indian admitted, "Not understanding, we killed your men."  God used five lives to change whole tribes of people with the Gospel.  Dozens and dozens of lives were touched by their sacrifices.  Maybe hundreds or thousands.  Even today, the same men who killed the American missionaries believe in God and spread the Good News.

     Are you willing to give everything up for Jesus?  Are you willing to love your enemies and to give your lives up for them?  Can you trust God that much, to put your future in His hands?  He might ask for a lot, but wonderful things will happen because of it.  Things that you could never have expected or imagined.  God is cool like that.