Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Hello Friends! 

We don't often realize how important friends can be to us. When I was younger (6-11ish) I made a friend everywhere I went. When I got into middle school I felt very alone after what I thought was a good friend totally abandoned me. My  interests were VERY different than that of my peers. No one wanted to be friends with me. So I thought "I don't need friends. I can be alone and its ok." Boy was I wrong. Friends, godly friends, are SO important! We were not meant to be alone. I had this realization about three years ago when, one I joined and online community of godly girls that built me up and loved me. Second was a song by "Brandon Heath". One of the lyrics was "It's no good to be alone". That really hit me hard. I still struggle with making friends and putting trust in people. I would say I don't have a friend that I absolute trust completely with every thing but I'm getting there with Gods help. Just know this, friends are super important and we were made for godly community! Have a blessed day! 

Link to song I mentioned https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GSj1Cy2xf3s

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