"If you genuinely desire to know God, then you must pray... a lot.
Is prayer an integral part of your daily life, or is it a hit-or-miss habit? Do you 'pray without ceasing' or is your prayer life an afterthought? Do you regularly pray in the quiet moments or the early morning, or do you bow your head only when others are watching? If your prayers have become more of a habit than of passion, you're robbing yourself of a deeper relationship with God. And how can you rectify this situation? By praying more frequently and fervently.
The quality of your spiritual life will be in direct proportion to the quality of your prayer life: the more you pray, the closer you will feel to God. So today, instead of turning things over in your mind, turn them over to God in prayer. Don't limit your prayers to the dinner table or the bedside table. Pray constantly about things great and small. God is always listening... and the rest is up to you."
This is a great reminder...sometimes, even though you DO pray, it can become habit, and not personal one on one time with God. Maybe before you pray, think about Who you are praying to!